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Goals to acomplish by 2020


  1. Graduate Greenland Highschool with honors to get into a good car

  2. Pass My Driver liscense test for Car and Motercycle

  3. Buy a good car that is not embarassing, but gas saving and  long lasting 

  4. Save up money for college expenses

  5. Be accepted into a Good Buiness College in arkansas for future job

  6. Gain scolarship for band to help with paying for college

Goals to acomplish by 2025
  1. Graduate college with Great Grades

  2. Applie for jobs 

  3. Buy better car than one I have 

  4. Do number ,1 and 18 on my 25 things in lifetime

  5. Get job That I enjoy

  6. Move up in my job

Goal to acomplish By 2035
  1. Move up job some more

  2. Try to do more Goals from my 25 thing in a lifetime that I will not be able to do later

  3. Have at least 500,000 in my retirment acount 

  4. Have a family

  5. Write a book

  6. Be active 

  7. Run a Marathon

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